Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Evenbrite link to RSR 11

 Here is the link to register for Redlands Strada Rossa 11 (2025): Eventbrite link

For up-to-date news about the event please look us up on Instagram @Redlands_Strada_Rossa

Thank you

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Join us for the 10th iteration of Redlands Strada Rossa.  Registration will go live at midnight on January 1st, and we hope you will join us.  As usual, the ride is capped at 300 riders and there will be no exceptions to this.  So once we are sold out, we are sold out.  

This event is made possible because there are people who care to volunteer their time to put this event on.  It is a not-for-profit ride that helps to fund the Redlands Conservancy and the Inland Empire Biking Alliance.

As per normal, routes will be emailed a week before the event.  

Register here: Eventbrite Registration

Thursday, March 10, 2022

RSR Coming up FAST!!! Copy of recent email to participants below

If you prefer to skip the lines the morning of the ride, we will be offering early bird registration from 6-8pm on Friday 3/18 at Stell Coffee & Tea.

The morning of the ride, the nearest overflow parking for riders will be a block away at Loma Linda University Behavioral Health Institute.

The 90 milers will roll at 7:00am and follow red course markings.

The 60 miles roll at 8:00am and follow green course markings.

The 30 milers roll at 9:00am and follow blue course markings.

The course will be marked and available for download to registered riders two days prior to the ride. We will not be providing printable turn sheets. As always, you're welcome to bite off more (or less) than you signed up for.

SAG will once again be covered by our incredible sponsors. Please thank them with your patronage.

a la minute

bc fitness

bianchi bicycles

cyclery usa

dons bikes

fun artists

monster media

ritual brewing

stell coffee

three sisters farm

village bread


951 Bikes

As usual, proceeds from the ride benefit Redlands and Crafton Hills Conservancies and IEBA.


Strada Rossa 8

Saturday, March 19, 2022 at 7:00 AM (PDT)

The Asistencia
26930 Barton Road
Redlands, CA 92373

Friday, December 31, 2021

RSR VIII Registration Opens January 1st!!!

Gears are churning, grasses are greening, and RSR #8 is just around the corner! 300 registration spots will be available beginning January 1st.  In the before days we typically sold out in late Feb or early March. This year...  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

We are really looking forward to hosting this event, and hope the enthusiasm is shared! 

Registration covers our minimal overhead costs, and meals. Everything beyond that goes to our local conservancies! This is a non-profit, volunteer run event!

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Gravelbike California: Redlands and Strada Rossa

Below is a newly produced video that Gravelbike CA just posted. I think it 100% captures the feel of the town and the trails we ride on. Please take a few to check it out and like/comment/subscribe to their great series of videos! 

We plan on seeing you on these trails next March if not sooner!!!